18 years helping Australian businesses
choose better software
About CyberPlan
APS software that supports manufacturing companies in improving service level, increasing productivity and decreasing costs.
There is the possibility to easily interface it with other systems. The possibility of obtaining important Customizations with the support of consultants.
The selection of keys in the web version is not immediate and it is often difficult to click.
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our solution
Comments: We implemented MRP and CRP planning based on our production plan, obtaining valid dates on material procurement and minimizing stocks with excellent missing management, all with a view of the CNC machine load in line
Complete process management, reliability and speed of calculation
the closed data base . it would be useful to have a SQL database on the market
Production scheduling in Cyberplan
Easy to fit on our production system and our needs
Import/export to modify records in a massive way
Good MRP
Cyberplan is very fast MRP software. It has good features for purchasing and planning departments.
The feature that explain missing materials is difficult to undestand.
Production Planning
Easy views, good customizing opportunities
Could be improved the design,graphic artwork of the views
LTC Cyberplan
The integration with other systems in particular SAP
The flexibility of the solution and the capacity of the consultant to understand the requests of my Group.
Cyberplan from Link Management
Comments: we could finally confirm the customer order delivery date accurately
with cyberplan you can obtain data very easily. Parameter selection is very simple and intuitive.
the selection of keys in the web version is not immediate and it is often difficult to click
Use CyberPlan for Your Planning Needs
Comments: We are able to plan now that we have access to Cyberplan. The primary advantages that we have gained from this change are a higher overall service level, improved control over stock levels, and reduced expenditures on new supplies.
The software contains a number of fascinating and "strong" features, which are positive qualities. To begin, it ensures that all of the fundamental features of an APS, such as demand management and MRP, will be available. It is possible to integrate it with other systems in a simple and straightforward manner. The capacity to archive the different databases and to retrieve them while operating within a simulation setting The capability as well as the proactive participation of consultants in improvements.
Lack of flexibility on the user's end: while there is a lot that can be accomplished with the assistance of consultants, it would be preferable to have greater control over some aspects of the process. Graphically, it has room for improvement. There is no mechanism to navigate between the levels of the MRP, which means that you cannot easily go up and down through the many elaborations of the MRP that correspond to the different levels of the bill of materials.
Comments: Repetitive and low added value activities are carried out by the software while the planner overlook from time to time and tries to change the inputs of the calculations in search for the best planning scenario. In short: we would be buy it again for sure.
CyberPlan is an extremely powerful tool in the hands of a skilled planner. Using this software has been a positive revolution for us, coming from an analogic way of working with a multitude of Excel files, something that caused chaos and led to bad decisions countless times. The main pros are: Ease of use, since a new planner can lear how to use it in a short amount of time Speed of calculations, since we save hours every time we plan (twice a day) Customisation, that allows us to adapt CyberPlan to our manufacturing process Depth of analysis Ability to export the results, that is useful while communicating with other departments The consultants, who are serious and caring professionals Integrability with the erp Reliability
It could be a bit expensive at first, but it made our planning do a huge step forward in terms of effectiveness and the benefits we got justified every penny.
Great dynamic and customized planning tool
SInce working with Cyberplan for more that 10 years I can confirm it is a 5 starts planning tool, not only for production sequences but material availability for this optimized sequences. Helps to keep inventories under control in low levels.
Despite there are a hugh amount and menus of things to use and explore, you will use daily the same 4-6 menus. I would like to get more detailed information about rest of possibilities that Cyberplan can offer me but I don´t really know.
Easy integration with all ERP (JDE, and Oracle in my case). Very fast and dynamic tool. What if scenarios Customized software Help to take faster and more accurated decissions.
Once you understand difference between scheduled and planned data (finite vs infinite capacities) you will understand how powerfull Cyberplan software is. However, in my experience, it will take time to be an expert user. Not easy DIY customization (not intuitive). Multi-users at the same time working on the same software can be a problem.
Plan with Cyberplan
Comments: Without Cyberplan we simply did not plan and with Cyberlan today instead we plan. The main benefits we have obtained are: an increase in the Service Level, a better management of stock levels and a saving on purchase costs.
There are several interesting and "powerful" aspects of the Software. First of all, it guarantees all the basic functionalities of an APS: Demand Management, MRP, etc. There is the possibility to easily interface it with other systems. The possibility of obtaining important Customizations with the support of consultants. The considerable availability of linked tables and views. The ability to archive the various databases and retrieve them in a simulation environment. The competence and the proactivity of consultants in developments.
User-side flexibility: with the help of consultants, you can do a lot; it would be better to be able to do something more independently. Graphically it could be better. There is no possibility of MRP navigation between the levels: that is, going up and down on the different MRP elaborations of the various levels of the bill of materials in an easy way.
Advanced Planning Scheduling Software - CyberPlan -
Benefits after Cyberplan adoption are:
- manufacturing/supply chain bottleneck identification;
- production capacity saturation;
- production workload balancing;
- lead time improvement.
Cyberplan base algorithm is very strong, thus gives the users the possibility to understand where production plan is going. You can identify Supply Chain Breakdown in a intuitive and genuine environment. This gives the user the ability to react in a fast way. The possibility to navigate the entire system just using the right mouse button menu is the best feature.
Despite the intuitive design, general look should be improved.
Ease of use and ease of consultation. With the help of consultants it lends itself to personalization
It is not updated in real time with the company management system
Help Desk
This software is very fast about elaboration
Post-sales assistance should maintain contact with the customer.
extremely useful
Comments: I have been using it for years and it has proved to be in step with the times in every situation, speeding up and making daily planning and scheduling work perform
extremely useful, easy to use, fast and intuitive, strong power and speed of calculation
I would like to have fewer interruptions due to the overlapping of competing processes
Comments: Cyberplan has solved many problems about our supply chain and our planning organisation
Mainly, the graphic impact and the easiness.
Nothing in particular, but It can be improved on the users management (administration side).
Advanced planning in fashion industry
Comments: Our planning department can now focus on optimizing plans and solving bottlenecks instead of running calculations on Excel files
In RAM computing gave us the possibility to run MRP and finite capacity CRP over a huge amount of data in about 20 minutes.
From a graphical point of view, it lacks the wow effect.
Comments: Un'esperienza partita ad inizio anni 2000 e che ancora ad oggi è un fiore all'occhiello per la nostra Supply Chain. Stiamo lavorando per aggiungere il modello di gestione del forecasting che sono certo ci farà fare un ulteriore passo in avanti.
la facilità di utilizzo la flessibilità e la possibilità di avere la situazione di tutto il portafoglio ordini sotto controllo
Sinceramente non saprei cosa non mi piace dello strumento visto che lo utilizzo da oltre 20 anni con successo.
Un bel passo avanti
Comments: software avanzato che consente tramite personalizzazioni e sviluppi di assolvere a molte necessità nell'ambito di pianificazione e schedulazione, colmando lacune ed aree scoperte dei programmi gestionali.
possibilità di personalizzazione, abbondanza di informazioni e visione d'insieme offerta.
difficoltà di utilizzo su dispositivi portatili e mobili della versione web, necessità di un monitor da 35/38 pollici per un utilizzo ideale del software.
Alternatives Considered:
Annual Customer Report
Comments: Siamo soddisfatti del SW e dei consulenti che ci seguono in quanto entrambi rispondono esattamente alle esigenze della nostra realtà.
Utilità ed efficacia applicata al nostro contesto
Complessità e quindi iniziale difficoltà nell'apprendere le funzionalità dello strumento
Cyberplan forever
Utilizzo mediamente 6 ore al giorno Cyberplan e considero che è uno
strumento indispensabile per gestire al meglio la produzione.
Da la possibilità di programmare e monitorare l' intera produzione dell' azienda
Alcune ricerche nelle finestre e tabelle è leggermente laboriosa
Grande velocità di calcolo e quindi di risposta
Il maggiore vantaggio che la nostra azienda ha ottenuto con Cyberplan è la possibilità di eseguire ricalcoli dei fabbisogni in modo molto veloce permettendoci di simulare agilmente diversi scenari e scegliere quello con l'output che fa più al caso nostro. Inoltre Cyber funge da raccoglitore di una grande quantità di informazioni altrimenti sparse in diverse sezione del nostro ERP che ci permettono anch'esse di prendere decisioni rapide.
forse la cosa che mi piace meno di Cyber è la mancanza di possibilità di poter personalizzare le visualizzazioni delle diverse schermate per i diversi utenti.
utente veterano di Cyberplan
Comments: lo ritengo uno strumento per noi indispensabile per poter monitorare la capacità produttiva in base alle continue variazioni provenienti dal mercato
la modalità di risalire dagli ordini clienti ai componenti e viceversa; la possibilità di leggere i dati sia in forma tabellare sia grafica; le informazioni grafiche del profilo MRP per centro di lavoro; la tabella MPS; la possibilità di simulare diversi scenari ed avere subito l'effetto sulla capacità dei reparti; la possibilità di spingersi nelle varie aree a diversi livelli di complessità, secondo le esigenze
che attualmente, da quando siamo migrati a SAP, non abbiamo più accesso ai log e quindi abbiamo meno sottocontrollo possibili errori; è uno strumento complesso che richiede periodi di formazione mediamente lunghi prima di avere risorse in grado di utilizzarlo
La pianificazione di macchine complesse personalizzate in tempo utile
Comments: Strumento fondamentale per la capacità finita
Impatto visivo, facilità di consultazione, configurazione e creazione viste personalizzate.
Migliorabile in grafica ed autonomia di esportazione dati
Cyberplan: come programmare al meglio la Produzione
Analisi di fattibilità degli ordini di produzione / Acquisto MRP variazionale Customizzazione
Aspetti legati alla grafica e poche release di miglioramento prodotto